Medal of Valor Complete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Insanity difficulty setting. Unlocks a gamer pic of Saren Arterius for use in your profile and unlocks Insanity difficulty setting. If you want to locate your face codes from original games then you can copy them from the left-hand side of the Squad Menu. Complete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Hardcore difficulty setting. Don’t worry soon will be a lot of free codes shared by players on the internet, and we will try to update more codes as soon as possible. So you will need to change them manually after submitting the code on your game. But when you try to use the code on Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition some option value has been changed or updated. Using Google or Bing or Yahoo search to find multiple face codes, you will discover even old Face codes via lots of websites and youtube videos. When you reach the character creation screen, you will first be asked to give. Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition – Face Codes 21 – Ĭode: 71.H1T.175.84.E33.6 You can also import a character from a completed game of Mass Effect 1. Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition – Face Codes 18 – Ĭode: .5.8JA.B43.5 Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition – Face Codes 17 – Ĭode: 31.GMP.84.AUM.A36.9 The scene that ensues is heartbreaking as Jack breaks down in tears, feeling real love for the first time in her life, and she finds some peace in Shepard's arms before they launch the suicide mission, content to possibly go to their deaths together.Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition – Face Codes 13 – Ĭode: 3G.AAV.72.AG4.647.87 Despite this, if Shepard is genuinely interested in her, she opens up to him and agrees to consider becoming involved with him. Jack is naturally against letting her guard down in case she gets hurt again. Though a same-sex romance was cut from the game, a male Shepard can still romance her if he completes her loyalty mission and consistently speaks to her in her hidey-hole below the Normandy's engineering deck. Tragically, though, there was more pain waiting for her still and she is endlessly cold and aggressive when Shepard meets her as a result. She spent most of her life as a criminal and lived outside the law, doing anything she could to survive.

As an adult, her biotic abilities are unmatched, but her hatred of Cerberus and a bleak outlook on the galaxy, in general, make her a difficult person to get to know. Dubbed Subject Zero during her time at a secret Cerberus facility, Jack is severely traumatized as a result of the horrific experiments performed on her as a child.